Tuesday, October 26, 2004

The Real Nazis

Guest post by The Mad Scientist

All hyperbole aside, I think the Bush=Hitler stuff has blinded many to the fact that the opposite may be true. I’ve always known that we in the US are but one Depression away from our own form of fascism, but I never could quite envision how the transformation would occur. This election has made it clear as day. You have a candidate in Kerry that not only lies, but does it with such frequency and audacity as to make one think he believes himself beyond reproach. A candidate who has proven time and again that he believes himself superior to the common man. A candidate who has proven that he sees nothing special or noteworthy in being an American, that in fact being an American is to him an embarrassment.

You have a base of support for this candidate that is close enough to being a majority as to cause consternation, a base that is just as delusional as their leader, and passionate enough to believe that the ends justify the means. They denigrate their opponents as, if not sub-human, then sub-intellectual. You have a political organization built up around this candidate filled with felons, rabble rousers, and other miscreants whose only goal is the attainment of power. An organization so corrupt as to threaten post-election repercussions against those that dissent, so corrupt as to already be planning on protesting the election no matter the outcome, so corrupt as to use former presidents to disparage a sitting president in time of war.

A rebounding economy, a state of war, and relatively low casualties from Iraq are probably all that stand between us and fascism. Taken as a whole, this should be enough to chill anyone to the core.


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